Results for 'Ethel Ernestine Sabin'

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  1.  10
    William James and pragmatism.Ethel Ernestine Sabin - 1918 - Lancaster, Pa.,: Press of the New era printing company.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Some Difficulties in James's Formulation of Pragmatism.Ethel E. Sabin - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy 15 (12):309.
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  3. The influence of psychology upon philosophy.Ethel Sabin Smith - 1930 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 11 (2):104.
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  4. (1 other version)Pragmatic Teleology.Ethel E. Sabin - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy 16 (18):488.
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  5. Philosophy and Practical Education.Ethel Sabin Smith - 1934 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 15 (1):19.
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  6. (1 other version)Giving up the Ghost.Ethel E. Sabin - 1920 - Journal of Philosophy 17 (26):701.
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    The individual and the forces of nature.Ethel E. Sabin - 1920 - Philosophical Review 29 (5):480-484.
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  8. athews's Physiological Chemistry. [REVIEW]Ethel E. Sabin - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):47.
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  9. Mistaking America.Ethel E. Sabin - 1921 - International Journal of Ethics 32 (1):68.
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  10. Notes and News.Ethel E. Sabin - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 16 (22):615.
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    Physiological Chemistry. [REVIEW]Ethel E. Sabin - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 15 (2):47-51.
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    (1 other version)Moral Values and the Idea of God. [REVIEW]Ethel E. Sabin - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 16 (22):609-614.
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    ringle-Pattison's The Idea of God in the Light of Recent Research. [REVIEW]Ethel E. Sabin - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy 15 (10):273.
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    (1 other version)When Is Home Care Medically Necessary?Lachlan Forrow, Norman Daniels & James E. Sabin - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (4):36-38.
  15.  17
    Tale of two countries: attitudes towards older persons in Italy and Israel during the COVID-19 pandemic as seen through the looking-glass of the media.Jacopo Fantinati, Irina Sabin, Silvia Crosignani, Yael Zilbershlag, Matteo Cesari & Tzvi Dwolatzky - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (12):1010-1014.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the many challenges and difficulties of healthcare systems caring for older frail people. This public health crisis has indeed jeopardised the concept of the welfare state, in particular the right of older people to uncompromised healthcare. Together with the clinical challenges facing the geriatric patient and the organisational difficulties of the healthcare systems, sociocultural factors may have also played a substantial role in the strategies that countries have applied in coping with the pandemic. In this (...)
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    Setting Limits Fairly. [REVIEW]James Dwyer, Norman Daniels & James Sabin - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (3):46.
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  17. Book Reviews-Mental Illness and Public Health Care.James M. Humber, Robert F. Almeder & James Sabin - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (5):486-489.
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    Improving Fairness in Coverage Decisions: Performance Expectations for Quality Improvement.Matthew K. Wynia, Deborah Cummins, David Fleming, Kari Karsjens, Amber Orr, James Sabin, Inger Saphire-Bernstein & Renee Witlen - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):87-100.
    Patients and physicians often perceive the current health care system to be unfair, in part because of the ways in which coverage decisions appear to be made. To address this problem the Ethical Force Program, a collaborative effort to create quality improvement tools for ethics in health care, has developed five content areas specifying ethical criteria for fair health care benefits design and administration. Each content area includes concrete recommendations and measurable expectations for performance improvement, which can be used by (...)
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    The patient's perspective on the need for informed consent for minimal risk studies: Development of a survey-based measure.Sherrie H. Kaplan, Adrijana Gombosev, Sheila Fireman, James Sabin, Lauren Heim, Lauren Shimelman, Rebecca Kaganov, Kathryn E. Osann, Thomas Tjoa & Susan S. Huang - 2016 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 7 (2):116-124.
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    Temporal analysis of English and Spanish narratives.Teresa H. de Johnson, Daniel C. O’Connell & Edward J. Sabin - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (6):347-350.
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  21. Improving access to health care: A consensus ethical framework to guide proposals for reform.Mark A. Levine, Matthew K. Wynia, Paul M. Schyve, J. Russell Teagarden, David A. Fleming, Sharon King Donohue, Ron J. Anderson, James Sabin & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (5):14-19.
  22. The wisdom of Ethel Percy Andrus.Ethel Percy Andrus - 1968 - Long Beach, Calif.,: National Retired Teachers Association. Edited by Dorothy Crippen.
  23.  75
    Innovation in Human Research Protection: The AbioCor Artificial Heart Trial.E. Haavi Morreim, George E. Webb, Harvey L. Gordon, Baruch Brody, David Casarett, Ken Rosenfeld, James Sabin, John D. Lantos, Barry Morenz, Robert Krouse & Stan Goodman - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5):W6-W16.
    Human clinical research has become a huge economic enterprise (Morin et al. 2002; Noah 2002). Because the human subject at the center can be so easily marginalized, many commentators recommend spec...
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    Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Martin Heidegger.Luz Ascárate, Raphael Aybar, Ethel Barja, Giancarlo Bellina, Romeld Bustamante, Josimar Castilla, Juan Ignacio Chávez, Maverick Díaz, Fedra Gutiérrez, Eduardo Llosa, Rafael Moreno, José Luis Obregón, Ana Luisa Quispe, Marlon Rivas, Soledad Sevilla, Manuel Vera, Ruth Zea & Arturo Rivas - 2011 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 9.
    El Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Martin Heidegger que se presenta a continuación, reúne la información obtenida de las más de 240 revistas de filosofía disponibles en la Hemeroteca de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. El Repertorio incluye referencias bibliográficas completas de los artículos, reseñas, estudios críticos, traducciones y otros documentos que abordan la obra del importante pensador alemán hasta el año 2010.
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    Epistemologia da ciência cognitiva e sua implicação no ensino de ciências.Elizângela Silva de Oliveira, Evandro Ghedin & Ethel Silva de Oliveira - 2010 - Filosofia E Educação 2 (2):p - 424.
    O presente artigo procura extrair a contribuição para o Ensino de Ciências das reflexões e discussões sobre o conceito de mente. O texto evidencia como os processos mentais podem contribuir para se pensar uma epistemologia do Ensino de Ciências. Ao fazer a articulação entre os processos mentais discutido, avalia-se a possibilidade de uma Didática centrada nos processos cognitivos que ultrapassam formas tradicionais de pensar as Ciências da Educação. Conclui que o conceito de mente é insuficiente para sustentar uma epistemologia do (...)
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    Conceptualising constructive resistance as a thriving strategy for men in nursing.Jonathan Bayuo, Wise Awunyo, Noble Agbenu Agbakpe, Matilda Mawusi Kodjo, Emmanuel Akpalu, Kennedy Kofi Kru, Cynthia Dordor, Dziedzorm Abotsi, Priscilla Adjei, David Buufu-ire Donkere, Claudia Obuba, Ethel Agbinku, Mary Adaeze Udeoha, Eric Tettegah, Dzawu Obed Criswell & Nicholas Kwablah Azumah - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (4):e12507.
    Nursing has improved over the centuries from the physician's handmaiden to a recognised profession. Yet, the image of a nurse is often associated with notions of caring and nurturing‐ attributes considered feminine. Indeed, cultural, and societal biases exist that can deter men from entering the nursing profession where their sense of masculinity is questioned. Several studies have highlighted the existence of gender‐based stereotypes, stigma, rejection, loneliness and discrimination which impact the retention of men in the nursing profession. Despite the established (...)
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  27.  14
    Os limites da definição de Budismo em Émile Durkheim: uma análise das Quatro Nobres Verdades.Nirvana Oliveira Moraes Galvão França & Ethel Panitsa Beluzzi - 2022 - Páginas de Filosofía 10 (2):39-53.
    Émile Durkheim, em seu As Formas Elementares da Vida Religiosa, cita como o pilar da filosofia e da religião budista as Quatro Nobres Verdades – um referencial teórico que permeia o desenvolvimento de todas as principais tradições de pensamento budistas. Neste artigo, nosso objetivo é apresentar linhas gerais e introdutórias sobre esse conceito tendo como linha narrativa o texto de Durkheim – trazendo, também, discussões sobre os contextos onde Durkheim escreveu e contrapondo outras abordagens teóricas.
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    A Response to Commentators on “Improving Fairness in Coverage Decisions: Performance Expectations for Quality Improvement”.Matthew K. Wynia, Deborah Cummins, David Fleming, Kari Karsjens, Amber Orr, James Sabin, Inger Saphire-Bernstein & Renee Witlen - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):W40-W42.
    Patients and physicians often perceive the current health care system to be unfair, in part because of the ways in which coverage decisions appear to be made. To address this problem the Ethical Force Program, a collaborative effort to create quality improvement tools for ethics in health care, has developed five content areas specifying ethical criteria for fair health care benefits design and administration. Each content area includes concrete recommendations and measurable expectations for performance improvement, which can be used by (...)
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    Challenges to effective and autonomous genetic testing and counseling for ethno-cultural minorities: a qualitative study.Nehama Cohen-Kfir, Miriam Ethel Bentwich, Andrew Kent, Nomy Dickman, Mary Tanus, Basem Higazi, Limor Kalfon, Mary Rudolf & Tzipora C. Falik-Zaccai - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-16.
    BackgroundThe Arab population in Israel is a minority ethnic group with its own distinct cultural subgroups. Minority populations are known to underutilize genetic tests and counseling services, thereby undermining the effectiveness of these services among such populations. However, the general and culture-specific reasons for this underutilization are not well defined. Moreover, Arab populations and their key cultural-religious subsets (Muslims, Christians, and Druze) do not reside exclusively in Israel, but are rather found as a minority group in many European and North (...)
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  30.  18
    The Last Transfer.Terry Hill, Mathy Mezey & Ethel Mitty - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (2):4.
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  31. Substância Na História da Filosofia.Lia Levy, Carolina Araújo, Ethel Menezes Rocha, Markos Klemz Guerrero & Fábio Ferreira de Almeida (eds.) - 2023 - Pelotas: NEPFil online.
    A coletânea apresenta, sob a forma de artigos, problemas e soluções associados ao conceito e substância ao longo da história da filosofia. Sem pretender exaurir esse percurso, a coletânea contém 29 artigos redigidos por diversos especialistas brasileiros em Filosofia. Sua proposta é oferecer uma visão clara, acessível, precisa e atualizada desse recorte da história do conceito de filosofia, na expectativa de contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento do ensino e debate de filosofia no país. -/- The anthology presents, through a series of (...)
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    “I'M HERE, BUT I'M THERE”: The Meanings of Latina Transnational Motherhood.Ernestine Avila & Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (5):548-571.
    Latina immigrant women who work as nannies or housekeepers and reside in Los Angeles while their children remain in their countries of origin constitute one variation in the organizational arrangements of motherhood. The authors call this arrangement “transnational motherhood.” On the basis of a survey, in-depth interviews, and ethnographic materials gathered in Los Angeles, they examine how Latina immigrant domestic workers transform the meanings of motherhood to accommodate these spatial and temporal separations. The article examines the emergent meanings of motherhood (...)
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    Biology as Society, Society as Biology: Metaphors.Sabine Maasen, Everett Mendelsohn & Peter Weingart - 1995 - Springer.
    not lie in the conceptual distinctions but in the perceived functions of metaphors and whether in the concrete case they are judged positive or negative. The ongoing debates reflect these concerns quite clearly~ namely that metaphors are judged on the basis of supposed dangers they pose and opportunities they offer. These are the criteria of evaluation that are obviously dependent on the context in which the transfer of meaning occurs. Our fundamental concern is indeed the transfer itself~ its prospects and (...)
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    Handbook of Risk Theory: Epistemology, Decision Theory, Ethics, and Social Implications of Risk.Sabine Roeser (ed.) - 2012 - Springer Science & Business Media.
    Risk has become one of the main topics in fields as diverse as engineering, medicine and economics, and it is also studied by social scientists, psychologists and legal scholars. But the topic of risk also leads to more fundamental questions such as: What is risk? What can decision theory contribute to the analysis of risk? What does the human perception of risk mean for society? How should we judge whether a risk is morally acceptable or not? Over the last couple (...)
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    Moral Choices and Global Desires: Feminine Identity in a Transnational Realm.Ernestine Mchugh - 2004 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 32 (4):575-597.
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    Women Philosophers: A Bio-Critical Source Book.Ethel Kersey & Calvin O. Schrag - 1989 - New York: Greenwood. Edited by Calvin O. Schrag.
    Women philosophers have not received their due in the discipline's reference works. Kersey's international biographical dictionary of women philosophers from ancient times up until the present redresses that situation.... This very capably fills a very evident gap in the philosophy reference corpus. Wilson Library Bulletin This work developed from Kersey's discovery that there existed no biographical dictionaries of women philosophers, and few references to women in textbooks on the history of philosophy. Intended to fill that void, this source book covers (...)
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    Democratization of expertise?: exploring novel forms of scientific advice in political decision-making.Sabine Maasen & Peter Weingart (eds.) - 2005 - London: Springer.
    ‘Scientific advice to politics’, the ‘nature of expertise’, and the ‘relation between experts, policy makers, and the public’ are variations of a topic that currently attracts the attention of social scientists, philosophers of science as well as practitioners in the public sphere and the media. This renewed interest in a persistent theme is initiated by the call for a democratization of expertise that has become the order of the day in the legitimation of research funding. The new significance of ‘participation’ (...)
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    Metaphors and the dynamics of knowledge.Sabine Maasen - 2000 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Peter Weingart.
    This book opens up a new route to the study of knowledge dynamics and the sociology of knowledge. The focus is on the role of metaphors as powerful catalysts and the book dissects their role in the construction of theories of knowledge and will therefore be of vital interest to social and cognitive scientists alike.
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    Personality and autonomy in light of neuroscience.Sabine Müller - unknown
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    The Ethics of Technological Risk.Sabine Roeser & Lotte Asveld (eds.) - 2009 - London, U.K.: Earthscan Publications.
    'A comprehensive and important collection that includes essays by some of the leading figures in the field....Essential reading for anyone interested in risk assessment.' Professor Kristin Shrader-Frechette, University of Notre Dame 'The editors are to be congratulated for bringing together a distinguished international group of theorists to reflect on the issues. This volume will be sure to raise the level of debate while at the same time showing the importance of philosophical reflection in approaches to the problems of the age.' (...)
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    Encountering the Forest Man: Feminine Experience, Imaginary Others, and the Disjunctions of Patriarchy in Nepal.Ernestine Mchugh - 2002 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 30 (1‐2):77-94.
  42. ANT im Architekturburo Eine philosophische Metaanalyse.Sabine Ammon - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 57 (1):127-149.
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  43. The intestinal labours of Paris.Sabine Barles & André́ Guillerme - 2018 - In Rebecca Anne Barr, Sylvie Kleiman-Lafon & Sophie Vasset (eds.), Bellies, bowels and entrails in the eighteenth century. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
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    Leading through the quagmire: ethical foundations, critical methods, and practical applications for school leadership.Ernestine Enomoto - 2007 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Education. Edited by Bruce H. Kramer.
    School leaders are constantly challenged by diverse students and conflicting interests between faculty and staff. They are often called upon to make sense of ethical quagmires, where rules might conflict with desired outcomes or personal values clash with professional obligations. Negotiating these dilemmas can be challenging, but democratic ethics can offer an effective process to work through them. Drawing from the writings of John Dewey, Leading Through the Quagmire advocates his notion that democracy is an appropriate response to the multitude (...)
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  45. A Selected Bibliography on Values, Ethics and Esthetics, 1920-1958.Ethel M. Albert - 1960
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  46. Platonismo en la poesía argentina del siglo XX : Leopoldo Marechal, un demiurgo del sur.Ethel Junco - 2020 - In Claudio César Calabrese & Federico Nassim Bravo (eds.), La recepción de Platón en el siglo XX: una poíesis de la percepción. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Commonsense and morality.Ethel Mannin - 1942 - New York [etc.]: Jarrold.
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  48. The Psychology of Beauty.Ethel D. Puffer - 1906 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 61:660-661.
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    Spinoza and the sciences.Ernestine G. E. der Walvanl - 1989 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 27 (3).
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    Spinoza's political and theological thought.Ernestine G. E. der Walvanl - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (4).
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